
How To Relate Graph Coloring to Sudoku

Many people have played Sudoku puzzles at one time or another as they may be found in newspapers, books, or online and can be quite entertaining.  The instructions below show how to relate Sudoku to the topic of graph coloring.

Graph coloring loosely means the assignment of labels or colors to a graph in the subject of graph theory.  If we assume that a Sudoku puzzle is a graph, then we can assume the following:

1) In a Sudoku graph, there are 81 nodes and 9 colors that must be assigned for a proper 9 coloring

2) A node is connected to every other node in the same row, column, or 3x3 grid

3) A puzzle starts out with some colorings being already assigned

4) A player must extend a proper coloring of 9 to the remaining nodes to complete the puzzle

I have included a Sudoku Puzzle below for your enjoyment.

Good Luck

Kelli J. Lee

Supplied by Sudoku

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Here are a few photos of flowers that I took from one of my nature walks.

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Kelli J. Lee